Getting started

What is an Ethereum account?

An Ethereum account is represented by a unique address, which might look like this 0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045. It has a balance and can create transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.

Employee onboarding

Technical requirements

  • The platform is only available via web app. The platform is not supported on mobile devices.

Blockchain wallet

  • To ensure the security of administering your tokens through your account, we recommend using a cold/hardware wallet for login and authentication on our platform. An example of a cold/hardware wallet is Lattice1 by GridPlus. For more information, please visit this website.

Required documents

  • Personal identification document for KYC purposes

Investor onboarding

Technical requirements

  • The platform is only available via web app. The platform is not supported on mobile devices.

Blockchain wallet

  • To ensure the security of administering your tokens through your account, we recommend using a cold/hardware wallet for login and authentication on our platform. An example of a cold/hardware wallet is Lattice1 by GridPlus. For more information, please visit this website.

Required documents

  • Personal identification document for KYC purposes

Payment options


Company onboarding

Currently, we permit German GmbHs (limited corporations) and UGs on our platform.

Technical requirements:

  • The platform is only available via the web app. The platform is not supported on mobile devices.

Blockchain Wallet

  • To use the platform, you will need access to a cryptocurrency wallet.
  • To ensure the security of administering your tokens through your account, we recommend using a cold/hardware wallet for login and authentication on our platform. An example of a cold/hardware wallet is Lattice1 by GridPlus. For more information, please visit this website.
  • Please note, is a non-custodial platform. This means:As a founder, you are solely responsible for your key, wallet, and tokens. The administrative rights are 100% in your control. Keep your private key safe and never share it with anyone.

Required documents to raise funds and / or setup up an employee participation plan.

  • Commercial register excerpt
  • Shareholder list
  • Names of beneficial owners
  • Personal identification document
  • Optional: company logos and colors, to personalize your company account

For detailed information regarding the onboarding process, please download the Onboarding Guide.  English Version / German Version

Token holder rights

Investor acquire participation rights in the form of tokens, which are issued by a Company. Each Investor who holds such a tokenized profit participation right or a fraction of it has the following rights:

  • a right to share in the profits of the company
  • a right to participate in the proceeds from an exit of the company  
  • a right to participate in liquidation proceeds (including hidden reserves)  
  • a right to specific company information (such as an annual report)

Basic regulatory framework

The tokens created on the platform fit within the definition of security tokens. Holding a security token grants the holder entitlement to future profits or other privileges related to a company. The process for issuing security tokens in Germany is well established. works with experienced advisors to ensure that our products and processes are fully compliant with applicable law.

We provide companies with templates of all necessary legal documents to create and issue their own GmbH-token.

How to create your company token

Our platform will guide you through the process. Your company token will be based on battle-tested, audited smart contracts. The founder possesses complete control over the token, encompassing abilities such as minting, burning, and managing the allow list. To securely manage everything as a founder, we recommend using a hardware/cold wallet. An example of a cold/hardware wallet is Lattice1 by GridPlus.

Be creative! Chose a token name and ticker symbol for your token. Please note that the token name and ticker symbol cannot be changed. Once you decide, they will go live on the Ethereum blockchain.

As part of the setup process, you specify the maximum number of tokens that can be issued by your company, based on a future shareholder resolution we will help you prepare for. For legal reasons, the number of tokens to be issued may not exceed half of the current number of shares recorded in the commercial register.

What is a company token?

The platform enables the creation of GmbH tokens for your company. With the sale of your company tokens, you can carry out your fundraising. Offer tokens is a perfect alternative to traditional funding rounds. Raise continuously and update token terms as needed. You can manage your token pool with precision. Every change in your token pool happens seamlessly on The tokens behave as "programmable equity" and can also automatically reward early adopters.

Additionally, your company tokens are also suitable for offering employee participation plans at your company. You can offer tokens with vesting schedules, cliffs and more to your team.

The tokens created on the platform are based on the ERC20-standard. The standard allows for the easy transfer and trading of tokens. Therefore, the token is usable for the secondary market.