Humanindata - AI data training

Humanindata - AI data training

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the key technologies of the coming years. The basis for the success of AI models is the data used to train them. But how can you ensure that this data actually comes from real people and not generated by bots? 

The founding team of Jobgrader has developed a solution to precisely this problem: they provide a marketplace that offers companies trustworthy AI training data. This data is generated by a dedicated crowdworking community in the Jobgrader app. Users are required to verify themselves in order to complete microjobs and receive cryptocurrencies in return.

The founding team, consisting of Sandra Janicijevic and Oliver Naegele from Frankfurt am Main, brings extensive experience in the field of blockchain-based digital identities based on many years of working in the startup world. They recognized the opportunity to improve the quality and reliability of AI data by using these technologies. Following the launch of a beta version of the marketplace and the onboarding of test users, the official market launch is due to take place soon.

We spoke to the founders about the journey that led to their product and their vision.

When were you founded?

We were founded on 21.03.2024. Our company is called Jobgrader Innovations. Our offering comprises two products: the Jobgrader app for our global crowdworking community - from which the name of our company is derived. And humanindata for companies that need AI data training. So our business model is B2B2C.

What kind of service do you offer?

We offer a trusted AI data training marketplace where only vetted, verified humans do the AI training jobs. This verification ensures that the jobs are performed by real people and not bots or people pretending to be someone else. It's a method we use to ensure the quality of results. humanindata, our on-demand solution, allows companies to bring their AI data training jobs to our marketplace. There they are passed directly to our exclusively verified crowdworking community. This is a highly effective process.

How did you come up with the idea for your service?   

My co-founder Oliver and I have been working intensively on digital trust, digital identity and the related topics of Web3 and blockchain for the last nine years. We recognized the need to improve AI data quality by using verified humans to achieve more reliable AI results. If data is the foundation of AI, where does bad AI data lead? This scary scenario kept us very busy and motivated us to develop a solution.

What is your vision/mission?

Our vision is to improve the quality and reliability of AI systems. Our mission is to provide trustworthy AI data training through the unique combination of real humans-in-the-loop and the benefits of Web3 technology.

Who is your target audience?

Our target group are companies that already use or plan to use AI systems either internally for their employees or externally for their customers, or both. We help these companies to avoid legal risks, financial losses and reputational damage by providing them with reliable and trustworthy data.

What does your roadmap look like?  

Our next short-term steps include the launch of our beta version to onboard first pilot customers on humanindata and the preparation of test user groups for the Jobgrader app. We are planning our official product launch and market launch in Germany by the end of Q3.

How did you find out about  

We were looking for innovative ways to raise capital that matched our technological approach. We came across you through recommendations within our network.

What made you decide to use this way of raising capital?  

The fully digital investment process and the possibility of effectively raising capital convinced us. offers a modern and flexible method by issuing GmbH tokens. This allows us to involve investors in a transparent and accessible way.

What was the reaction of your investors to the introduction of GmbH tokens?  

The reaction of our investors was overwhelmingly positive. One investor commented: " reflects your innovative mindset and forward-thinking approach. It enables transparent and accessible participation that builds trust and supports the growth of the company."

Learn more about humanindata on their website and LinkedIn.

Published on

July 15, 2024

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