RABOT CRYPTO, based in Hamburg, Germany, specializes in building and operating an algorithmic trading infrastructure, particularly in the area of decentralized finance and predictive financial markets. They assume that once algorithmic trading becomes accessible to the masses, the need for money will disappear and new forms of social coordination will become possible. Their goal is to actively work towards this future.

Our interview with founder Bruno Zell takes a look at the inspiration behind their services and their vision.

When was the company founded?

We founded RABOT CRYPTO GmbH in October 2021.

What kind of service do you offer?

First, we are developing an internal trading infrastructure for proprietary trading in crypto markets. At the same time, we are writing a scientific paper "The Intelligent Agent", which formalizes the essence of the trading algorithm, to then (1) offer a SaaS trading platform, and (2) build a crypto network “ask.network”, to make coordination between people more effective and efficient in the form of a global, decentralized economy.

How did you come up with the idea for your service?

After building a trading system for the German electricity market and then adapting it to crypto markets, the key trading algorithm was generalized so that action and effect could be negotiated directly without assigning a scalar price to products or services.

How did you become aware of Tokenize?

A friend in the w3.hub pointed me to Tokenize.it after he tokenized his company.

Can you explain the motivation behind choosing this method of capital acquisition?

Several reasons:

  • The advantages of a private offering through Tokenize.it are first class: minimal costs, a clear user interface, and accelerated deal flow.
  • Company shares listed on a blockchain can also be used for token gating purposes, combining ownership of a company's capital and access to its services, thus bundling the value of both.
  • As a high-risk (crypto) business, our bank account has been closed, and this type of capital raising is the only one that legally allows investment in a currency other than Euro.

Could you elaborate on the response from your investors regarding the introduction of the GmbH Token?

The first question was what prevents me as a founder from selling tokens myself, especially when I can set the price. There was also scepticism about the possibility that anyone could buy company shares. I am sure the initial reluctance is quickly forgotten once you (1) study the legal texts and (2) see the advantages of a secondary market and digital accounting in action.

Published on

February 1, 2024

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